I agree with Jo entirely.

Originally Posted By: joandboys
.. If something is ugly enough, you want to stuff it back and hide from it and run a million miles away. That doesn't work though, because if it is ugly enough it eats away at you from the inside out...

I agree entirely.
However, I understand that there are there are two schools of thought on this.

One encourages you to face your fears so that you can deal with them.
The other says that something bad has happened, but that was in the past, so leave it there, and accept that it is over and should not be troubling you in the present.
Don't dig up the past ~ let sleeping dogs lie.

I suppose that it depends on the person involved, but, either way, it involves acknowleding past unpleasantness and agreeing to stop allowing it to hurt you.

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.