very good advice.

lol, what would I do at an actual rollar coaster? NEVER go on them again. I hate them, lol.

But seriously, with my bf...Well, I get neasious(sp?) when he kisses me, I hate hugging...It make sme feel unsafe, even though logically I know he won;t hurt me.

I feel like I've jumped to high, and I can't get back to the ground. I hate it. I'm starting to wonder if it's worth it.

My bf says he doesn't care, he is patient, understands and gets mad more at my ex than me. He does want me to seek counselling at the church though.

I don't know, I suppose that has a lot to do with what I did a little while ago.

I am talking about here, because, well there is some degree of anonymity online eh? and in person talking to the pastor well...I don't really want to.

I listen to women talk about their experiences and then convert them into legalese for a living, but that is a cold and numbing experience. It's much different than sharing your own experiences with someone.