From Mark aka Argyll
And lets say that you start to have lunch together and sometimes a quick drink together after work, and after a few weeks you realize that you can't stop thinking about her at all.
She drives you crazy, so you decide to tell her how you feel about her. And to your surprise, she tells you that she is in love with you.
whoaaaa - OK so we are really going into this one ....
OK first I will say that LUCKILY I have not been in this situation described by Mark. And I pray that I am never going to be. Without baring too much of my soul - I will say this - I would stop it before it even got to having lunch by ourselves, and definitely not a drink after work. At that point, I think betrayal has already begun.
When you choose to get married - or choose a serious lifelong partner - then you choose to give up a few other things. That's a choice you make and a commitment you make.
I am not claiming that I'm invulnerable - but to date - I have been married 8 yrs and have not felt even remotely tested. Could things change -perhaps but I doubt it. I can find others attractive, but that's it. I have no interest or intent in seeing if there is a "connection" or mutual feeling, and for some strange reason I haven't had tons of women knocking down my door. Not sure why - but aside from my average to below average looks, I'd say its because I don't send out any vibe that I'm looking. even remotely.

I do see what you're saying, Mark. But I think that a man content in his marriage does not go down that path. that door has been shut. He can look out the window - but it stops there. with no regrets.

....somebody help me out here .... confused