Thanks Sophie for clarifying. You've also touched on something that I think needs to be examined. Staying for the "sake of the kids". IMHO, this is absolutely not a good idea/reason to stay together. Kids eventually move out. Then what are you left w/if you haven't nurtured your marriage? Nothing. That's why you see so many couples divorcing in their 50's. Living for the kids. Staying together for the kids. It's the wrong way to do things.

I also want to clarify that I think there's a big difference between both partners actively trying to solve their differences & working hard to save their marriage vs one giving their all while the other is there in body only. When two people are trying their best to make it work & it still doesn't work, then maybe it's best if they do seperate w/o bitterness. IMHO, not all marriages were meant to be saved. However, that doesn't mean that people should give up at the first sign of trouble, which is what a lot of people do today. They go into marriage thinking, Well if it doesn't work out, we can always get divorced, instead of thinking, This is for life. Most people do not choose their partners carefully & get married way too quickly. Then when things get sour, which is bound to happen at some point during the marriage, they run to the next available person & avoid conflict rather than face those troubles, do their best to work through them & conquer them as a couple to move forward to the next journey. There's a reason why "for better or for WORSE" is in those vows. Most people do not follow through w/that though when things get rough unfortunately. I'm not saying that's what happened in your relatives case, so pease don't think that. I don't even know them, but I'm just stating what I see around me most of the time, my own experiences.

Victor, couldn't have said it better myself. Agree 100%. You've hit the nail on the head.

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