Satine, you have received a number of responses & you seem not to think that we have understood things correctly.

What should you say to him?
Only you can answer that.
But what is going on at present is not fair on her or you.
And you are the one who knows about it.
You are, therefore, a party to the deceit.

The long and the short of it is:
You really like him.
You are ready to commit to him.
He says that he really likes you.
He is not ready to commit to you.

He has a girlfriend.
He has not attempted to end the relationship with her.
He is more concerned about the relationship between his parents and his girlfriend than the one he has with you ~ apparently.

He is not overly young.
His parents have no control over him of an ethnic or religious nature.

How far has this gone?
You don't have to answer on here, but it's something that you need to consider.

Are he and his girlfriend living together 'as man and wife'?
Are you actually indulging in a 'sexual affair'?

How serious the one relationship is, and how far things have gone physically in the other, obviously have a bearing on this.

What do you think that you should say to him?

If it were me, I don't think that I could cope with having a relationship with someone, who wanted me to be his sordid secret.
I don't think that I could cope with having a relationship with someone, who was also having a relationship with someone else.
I wouldn't want to share him with someone else.
I wouldn't want to deceive another girl.
I wouldn't want to worry that I was the one being deceived.

But love and attachment are strange ~ they are like addictions. It is hard to give up the man you want, even if he is with someone else.

What are you going to do? smile

He is obviously not strong enough to deal with this, or he doesn't want to deal with it.

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.