thanks so much for the reply, its great to get an outside opinion on this romantic saga. you asked allot of questions so i'll start answering them for you!
we have both expressed our feelings to one another, and he said to me when this all started that he "needed to know that i wasn't playing him" which of course i'm not and he promised me he wasn't either. Its all been such an emotional roller coaster for me. I love him very much and our connection is undeniable.
I'm almost certain his brother knows about it, but he is a very private person when it comes to relationships.I have two friends who are his friends too who know aswell.
His problem is he is worried what people will think of him.
I hate this situation so much and would never have persued anything with him had he not expressed genuine feelings towards me. but at the moment i'm left feeling rather used and played which is awful. I don't want to share, and i am not an affair type of girl at all. so this has all been a stressfull situation.
I know in my heart i can't continue like this anymore but i'm scared about the ultimatum. if he chooses her does that mean there will never be a time for us? does that mean i never meant anything to him?
the other problem which hurts me is that if he does choose to stay with her i dont think he will ever tell her about me or about us....i'm so confused.
but i think you're right. he has to make the choice and he keeps avoiding it, but how do i do it in a non-aggressive way without him thinking i'm attacking him?

thanks so much smile