Just a few comments from my perspective. I won't pretend to speak for all males or to say what "their" viewpoint is - mainly because I have always objected strenuously to the usual gender stereotypes. Yes, there are differences as you say, PDM, and to communicate one should not take meanings for granted. Yet, neither the male nor the female thinking is stupid.

What can be tragic is to not communicate.

I have met women where the elctricity was sizzling my meters, and yet the timing was not right, or I was not free, or other compatibility factors were not there.

Could this become love if pursued? Perhaps so, but both would need to pursue it. IMO to pursue the "electricity" in hope and faith that he will want to commit to loving you would be dangerous.

It could well be that all three of you get hurt.

There will be electricity with others. And respect. And a giving, caring kind of love that commits only to you.

What would be tragic is if you are tied up in this emotional roller coaster, and miss the main event!

Marge is the love of my life.