But Crystalheart, you cannot, surely, be too surprised by this. This is what he has been saying all along.
He cares about you, but he cannot cope, any longer, with a relationship with you, because, as he sees it, you put too much pressure on him.

It is a harsh truth that you will have to accept.

But, if you want him in your life at all, then you are going to have to accept it.

I am not saying who is right or wrong, simply pointing out what you have been telling us, but which you do not seem able to believe.

No-one knows what the future may bring ~ who knows if he may even change his mind one day ~ but the emotional pressure that your messages put on him is exactly what he finds so difficult to deal with.

I'm guessing that he feels a bit suffocated by your devotion. Not everyone can cope with it. People need freedom; even loving couples need to have lives of their own and to have control over their lives. I think that he felt out of control.

Take what you can from this ~ his affection and friendship. It may seem sad and unfair, but it will be better than falling out completely.

I do feel very sorry that your love is now unrequited ~ that is painful ~ but be positive.
You are educated and intelligent.
Start doing positive interesting things - for you.

He said 'My biggest worry talking to you yesterday was that you would think that it means something more than it does' and that is no surprise. If you want a relationship with him now, it will have to be on his terms ~ friendly but acknowledging that he no longer wants this to be a romantic entanglement.

Tell him that you accept this, even though it desperately saddens you to say it, but that his friendship is better than nothing, and that you will try very hard not to put pressure on him to change his mind, because that is how he wants it and you are willing to respect that. Tell him that you know he understands you and how hard it will be, but that you will try because you realise that you have caused him emotional turmoil in the past. Acknowledge that he is causing you emotional turmoil now, but admit that you don't want a bitter falling out.

And no matter how hard it is for you to do this ~ be truthful when you say it. If you cannot say it truthfully, then you will need to agree with him that it's best not to communicate at all for now.

Good luck!

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.