Hi, PDM, thanks so much for your replay:) Yes, it's true he writes me all these love letters two weeks ago before breaking up; and he sent me a song" There are nine million bycycles in BeiJing, thats a fact that you cannot deny, like the face that I will love you till I die..." one week ago before breaking up; I am really disspointed with him now, and i think my basic trust to him is gone already. This is what he told me, while he told the others he has been thinking about breaking up for a long while, and he stopped loving me for a long while. However, when i asked him why he sent me these letters when i went to his working place, he told me he meant it. God!!! Which words are true and which are not!!!!!
Anyway, i am not gonna contace him for a long while, coz i also need time to heal the pain. I am human being, and I have feelings. I dont deserve being treated like this.
He told people the reasons he broke up with me is we always argue and i always push to get my way. And he told people things happened in China. But back then, he did not say that to me at all, instead, he always hugged me and cried and said:"True love drives people crazy or we are doomed to be together." etc. But they are now his reasons to break up. I dont know what i can say. I really dont know.