This might seem off the wall but I am going to put it out there.

You said you hated to be alone. Then you explained your dilema with the feelings that you have for both of these "boys".

You strike me as a very goal oriented woman with an eye on her future. You sound educated and like you know where your going and what you want out of life.

Your real future is years away. By the time your education if over and you have time to devote to a real relationship and all that involves, you will probably be interested in a entirely different kind of "man" not boy. I realize that may have only been a verbal reference but perhaps it is a little telling.

Has it occured to you that your real dilemma is not being content to be alone. If you can turn down the burner a little and be content with your own company and your life and your plans perhaps you will find that the right relationship will come into your life when you are "really" ready for it.

Just as sex complicates a relationship and changes it a relationship can complicate life and change it. Sometimes the best thing we can do for ourselves is wait to complicate our lives.

Cookie and Sweetie