I totally agree with that advice. When I was 24 I fell in love with 2 men, and married one. 25 years later, the one I married left me, and the other is still a friend. I still love them both. I married the one I felt obligated to marry, the one whose feelings I didn't want to hurt. The one who my brain told me was the right one. wrong. In retrospect, it's good to find out if the potential partner's family rules are the same as your family rules. How do u handle anger? do u talk? or do you keep quiet? Money? spend or save? house work, clean or messy? Does the family gossip or not? What kind of shows do they like? goofy comedy? sophisticate comedy? technical? non-tech? it's good to get allignment on as many of these 'environmental' things as possible, so you dont' end up wasting time arguing about it.
I'd take a long break if I were you. Step back, get far away, and mull it over for a few months. Not 'mope' it over, really make the effort to picture what your future would be like with either person. I suspect neither is 'the one'. not 'some one' but 'some three' will get hurt.
Good luck. Read Ephesians.