well this story has taken a complete twist. I'll make a long story short since we just got hit by a hurricane.

I stopped calling her.

She call me a day later over and over til I answered.

She was saying how she's been dreaming about me all night etc... and wanted to see me.... she cried about how she hurt me... buckets of tears etc... and that being around that guy again... she didn't feel anything... she said she cared about him but she basically vented on him for the first time for all the things he did to her in the past and being in his presence made her realize that she really loved me but she was scared that I wouldn't forgive her.

Anyway I forgave her and she stated that, that was the type of closure she needed. He wants her back but she chose me.

So we made up and got it on 2days straight (lol) now she adores the hell out of me. It's just surreal...

as for her ex... well I have a feeling he'll linger around for a bit because to him it's just competition... she was just his trophy... but she was finally strong enough to stand up to him and let out all her anger on him that she held back for so long.

Woman are wierd =)

Last edited by Piike; 09/13/07 08:23 PM.