Hi lostbunnyrabbit and welcome

I am so sorry about your uncle ~ it must be very hard for all of you to cope with.

At times like this we do need a shoulder. You are taking on your aunt's grief and your little cousin's ~ but who is taking on yours? Who is helping you cope with this responsibility?

It's right now that you need someone, and your ex seems to be the ideal person. He's been close to you; he cares about you; he is your friend,

But ...
Originally Posted By: lostbunnyrabbit

'I actually broke up with him ...'

'I then asked what his plans are, only to discover that it's going to the movies and dinner with his friend's sister. I'm heartbroken though I know I shouldn't be.'

The thing is, you made the decision to end the relationship, you are a long way off, and, as you say, he tried to comfort you, but he is just trying to get on with his life.

Ask yourself ~ do you feel heartbroken because you are grieving and homesick and alone, or is it because he may have a new girlfriend? (Is it possible that she is just a friend?)

If you were back home, amongst friends, and all was well with your uncle, would you still feel heartbroken if he was seeing another girl?

You have a lot going on in your life ~ a lot of sadness ~ and no-one to unload your negative feelings onto and, as they say, a problem shared is a problem halved.

It may have helped you to unburden yourself on here, but isn't there someone else you could talk to? A female friend perhaps?

You are probably in turmoil, but you need to try to think, when you are feeling calm, what sort of relationship you really want with this boy.

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.