It's like breaking an addiction. You can't look at it wondering if you're happier, right away. If you were an alcoholic, you wouldn't really be dried out in 30 days, and maybe not in an year. Same here. You make the decision with your head, stick by your decision, get help if you need it (if he is stalking or hurting you or harassing you). Find some groups where you can talk. Talk here.

Give it some time. Work on improving you. Think about things that you're interested in. Go to the library. Become an usher at the Performing Arts Center. Read stories for children at the school, or hold babies at a Children's Hospital. Whatever gets you out of yourself for a while.

After 3 months, ask yourself: are you happier and more pleased with yourself? You notice I don't say, are you lonely. Of course, you'll be lonely. Chances are you don't know another way yet, and you need time to become comfortable with yourself.

I can guarantee that in a year, you'll be like a whole new person.

And within another year, you'll be ready to meet people who won't pull you down - who can be in a relationship where a man and woman walk alongside each other, instead of one walking behind. You just don't need a codependent relationship.

I'm glad you posted. You can do something about it!

Marge is the love of my life.