I'm a bit confused.

The way I see it ~ in spite of that other boy you mentioned ~ is that you have split up with him only because your father said that you had to.

Your father must have thought that things were getting too serious or going too far ~ and maybe he was right. You respected his wishes.

But, from the way you presented the behaviour of your 'ex' ~ sending back presents, etc ~ it sounds as if he thought that it was either your idea, to finish, or that you went along with it happily. However, he did write that letter, so maybe not??? I can't work it out.

I am not suggesting that you disobey your father, but I do wonder if you explained things clearly to this boy, and let him down gently.

You can still be friends. Maybe you could get back together, when you are older and if your father then agrees to it, so why are you not being 'the nicest person ever'? Is it because of the returned gifts?

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.