Well, to everyone who has seen my topic in the "Dating" section...

I'm breaking up with my boyfriend. My father's decision is final and this might just be better for both of us. It hurts, a lot, but to keep the families at peace, I think it's for the better.

Now, I plan to tell him this on Wednesday, the first day of school. I want to get to school early so I can explain myself to him.

I'm not really one for a plan of action, but here's what I got so far on short notice:

- Get to school early and find him
- Separate ourselves from our group of friends for privacy
- Talk to him gently and calmly
- Tell him it would be better to break up
- Still want to be good friends with him
- Ask if he will take my friendship offer

What you guys think? Any advice for me?

"My name is my law"