I'm sorry about this Linder smile

You gave it every chance, but you can now see what is really going on ~ and it isn't for you. So, you already are moving on.

It is bound to hurt, and to be difficult, but at least you know that you are now on the right path.

Allow yourself to grieve over this lost relationship, but also try to celebrate the fact that you did not stay in a relationship, where your partner was not as committed as you were. That would not have been good for you.

How to move on?
Do things that you enjoy.
What are your hobbies and interests?
Pursue them.

Maybe join some evening classes, or a reading group, or theatre group, or anything that interests you ~ especially if you might get the chance to mix with others and make new friends.

Try to see this as a new beginning for you, with new opportunities.

Good luck! smile

Last edited by PDM; 01/18/10 10:32 AM. Reason: typo

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.