So we arent making it... he couldnt keep to what he said he supposedly needed. Kept telling me one thing, doing another and then getting mad when I questioned it. As much as he said he didnt want to hurt me.. he kept doing it over and over. I'm pretty sure he's known for weeks that he wanted to end it but kept stringing me along. It hurts but I'm glad I figured it out now as I had come up with a way we could finance his school a few weeks ago and would have really put myself out if I had done it. I had not told him that as I didnt want his decision swayed by it.. thank god!
He apparently wasnt really committed to the relationship like I was. I'm really hurt by all this but am trying to move on. Any tips on how to do that? When is someone going to come up with a prescription to cure a broken heart. They'd be a billionaire. I just want to fast forward a year to get rid of this feeling. frown

Last edited by linder; 01/17/10 11:16 PM.