Thanks for the welcome and the response.

I really don't think he's got someone else. I was just there a few weeks ago, hung out with all his friends. Didnt get any weird vibes in that respect. He doesnt have a lot of time to be hanging out with anyone else, all of his extra time is spent at a club playing pool that is 98% men that are older, hardly any women there. They all know me there. He hates his job and is at different sites during the week so not really time to build anything there. And on the weekend he has his son overnight on Sat and Sun. His son is going to be 17 years old. His ex is remarried and has emotional problems that have resulted in their son being very sheltered ( homeschooled and kept in the house 24/7) When my bf gets him, they go immediately to his house and play video games all night so the son has zero social skills. Supposedly the son was acting out when his dad was gone so he went back to try to get him out of his ex's house some. But that really hasnt happened as they do the same things just at a different house. Sad situation for the kid really. Our relationship was really a huge step for him to get out of a rut of that routine he'd been in since him and the ex broke up when the kid was 1. He never wanted kids, they had dated one month when he was 20, she got pregnant and he quit his dream of school, married her cuz of the kid ( it lasted less than a year) and got a job doing something he hated to support them. I'm the first person since then that has supported his dream again and tried to help him pursue it.
Him and his son do have a good relationship though they just barely have much in common since my bf is very outdoorsy and active and the kid wants to stay in and only play on the computer. I know it frustrates him but the ex is so paranoid that he avoids pushing the kid to do anything else as he doesnt want to fight the ex on it. If it barely starts snowing she is calling and asking him to bring him home as she gets scared to not have the kid there.

So I dont know that the kid factors into our situation much , I've met him, we get along fine. My only worry with moving there is being stuck home every weekend if that is all the kid is comfortable with. Maybe the bf worries about that... he said that won't be the case and if the kid won't go do things with us , he'll just get him during the week as it won't matter much with home schooling.

He's had one serious relationship between the ex and me... that dumped him after a year with no explanation. A year later they met for lunch and she said she fell out of love with him.
I have to add that he is a horrible communicator , so a long distance relationship is probably his worst night mare because all we have is talking on the phone. He seems to think that second relationship was great because they never fought. But I suspect she had issues but because he wouldnt talk she finally just let him go.

I have brought up breaking up or taking some time off and he says he is confused, still really loves me and wants to be sure since this is the longest relationship he's had. I told him if he keeps hurting me that I'll end up hating him and he says he doesnt want that and he just needs time. Then he doesnt follow through on what he says, gets mad when I call him on it and says things like "maybe we arent compatible anymore" I say what are you saying... and he cant seem to come up with anything... grrrrr Okay the more I see this in print... the more I think I should just cut him loose. frown