Hi Fer

Well, the first thing to remember is that girls ~ like boys ~ are not all the same.

I only recently came across the phrase 'friends with benefits' ~ where friends, who may or may not have a partner, engage in behaviour that others might consider girlfriend/boyfriend activities ~ kissing, cuddling, sleeping in the same bed, talking for hours, flirting, etc, etc. They appear to be in a relationship, but they are not ~ not really. There is affection, friendship, etc, but no romance.
This seems to be what this girl wants from you. You probably fill a gap that her boyfriend leaves.
She has a boyfriend and she has told you that you & she are just friends. This should tell you everything that you need to know. This is not the 'emotional relationship' that you 'crave', but it may appear to be for now.

I agree with BLR and Jessica. You have a whole new world about to open up in front of you. Give yourself the time & the opportunity to enjoy yourself, experience your new life, make new friends ~ and, when the time is right, find the girl who you are looking for. You are only 17 ~ that is still very young ~ so you have plenty of time to find her.

Good luck smile

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.