I can definately relate to the OCD thing, and Jo, thanks for pointing this out:

Originally Posted By: joandboys
I would dwell on the details and go over and over things in my mind and wanted to understand where things went wrong. It is all part of needing to have things in neat little boxes. Of course I wanted to not loose the love of the person, but I also needed to understand what went wrong. I used to drive my ex nuts because I would discuss every little aspect of an argument. I would analyze the points over and over because I wanted us to be perfect and get along. All he wanted to do was go to sleep and have some peace and quiet. I felt like he was being unfeeling and that made me want to work out our difference even more. The truth is, sometimes people just aren't going to see things the way you do. People with OCD want to just keep talking and trying to make it better.

I definately do this EVERY SINGLE TIME I get in an argument with my bf. And he always wants to go to sleep and have some peace and quiet. And then I feel like he doesn't care, like we should talk about the situation more, so that we can fix it. I didn't know that this also had to do with my OCD. WOW!

On another note, Rumpkin, I know that this is hard for your, but I agree 100% with Jo and PDM. It will hurt, and it will hurt for a while. But time heals these things. It may take months, or a year, or more. I know that I'm still not over my breakup with my husband, which was almost 1 year ago.

Another thing I would like to point out...last night, I was talking to my grandmother who is a very religious person. I was telling her about the fights that my bf and I have, and how I dont want to lose him but I can't keep myself from arguing with him and going over and over the fight. She said that she used to have the same problem with my grandfather, but that she learned a long time ago to pray for him while they are fighting. She said that if you pray for someone while you are arguing, you immeidately see the change come over them.

I dont know how religious I am or how much I beleive in God, but to me, this works (and it does work) not because God's hand reaches out of the sky and fixes the situation, but because the person who is feeling hurt and upset does not become angry and fuel the argument; rather, by praying, they become calm and more forgiving. When the other person sees that, the desire to argue goes away.

Again, Im not pushing religion on anyone, but maybe you should try this, if you talk to her again and she gets angry, or in other areas of your life. Maybe she will still get angry because, ad Jo said, she is immature and that is how she is expressing her feelings. But maybe, just maybe, this could help.

I hope I'm not ruffling any feathers here, so to speak.

~ Maggie
Mama to Juliana Elise (03/07), Wesley Dominick (06/10) and four feathered 'tielbabies!