(Sorry for such a long post) I have been dating this girl for about 8 months now. I broke up with her after about two months because I had never been in a serious relationship before and I guess got cold feet of commitment. I basically came running back to her and it took me about 1 month to win her back in my life. Everything was going well and our relationship was really growing strong at this point. Where the problems start to occur…I lost my job about 4 months ago and have been on interview after interview trying to get something else. I have a history of depression and anxiety which have come out of the closet due to all the stress of barely be able to get by financially. With all the headache unfortunately I was not the happy-go-lucky guy anymore. My girlfriend and I started fighting all the time which made the relationship hard. We were constantly on again off again with the fighting. She is very unstable emotionally and a very high maintenance person. Anyways, one day we both agreed that we would be better off without each other because our relationship was so difficult (this decision was made when we were both super frustrated with each other). On a side note, she was in a 6 year relationship before me and I have always wondered if I was a person to feel her void since her ex left her. After we broke up I came running back to her again and confessed my undying love. She told me that she just needed space right now. I asked her what that meant and she told me to not be in a relationship. I asked her if that was a “kiss of death” statement meaning that she did not want to hurt my feelings and really didn’t want to be with me….and she said no that she did not mean it that way. Anyway, she said she wanted to be friends…so about 2-3 weeks after we broke up we hung out went to dinner a few times and talked/emailed everyday. Everything was going well I guess and then I saw where she had emailed a few guys who she had past relationship with wanting to hang out with them. I had been such an emotional train wreck since our break up and started to obsess with the fact of who she was with that I personally couldn’t take it anymore. So I told her out of the blue to not contact me anymore unless she wants to be in a relationship with me again and that it was too hard for me to be friends with her (in a very loving caring way). About 1 week as gone by and I still have not heard anything. I guess what I need advice on is what I should do about the situation? She says she still loves me and that one day can see herself with me again. Should I fight for her or move on. Would it be good for me to let her miss me or is that a bad game to play? What does the space thing really mean?....because after she said that we were still hanging out like we were when we were together. I’m afraid that I might lose her for good if I continue this no contact thing. She is the girl I want to spend the rest of my life and I’m willing to do anything and everything to make our relationship work.