It's kind of hard for outsiders to get a good feel of your relationship, and whether it is good for the both of you, or for either of you. Add to that our own past experiences, and we may be counseling you based on what we've experienced.

Nevertheless, from the impressions I have, I don't think either of your are ready for commitment yet. You have had financial, emotional, and psychological problems to deal with. And she has a past relationship.

You - like all of us - want to have someone to care for you. Nothing wrong with that. And she does, also. But trying to force a relationship can actually ruin a good friendship.

I wonder if her not contacting you after you said to not contact you if she wasn't ready for a relationship, is your answer.

I think you need to work on you and getting a stable life going. IMO, you need to be able to love yourself first before you can love someone else in a healthy way.

If she does contact you, I think both of you should just try to be friends. And if you cannot do that, then perhaps you should be the one to decide to wait until later.

Sorry if this isn't the answer that you want.

I had to back away from an on-again off-again relationship that was good in the friendship way, but stressful in the romantic way. And it hurt. And I was lonely.

But I got better. And later I was ready to meet the love of my life!

Marge is the love of my life.