I understand a little about OCD since I have suffered from it most of my life. It is much better now than when I was younger. I only say this because it helps me understand why and how I handled some of the life situations that happened in my life. When I was going through very stressful times and was arguing with my ex husband or when I was breaking up with someone I loved I had a very difficult time handling some aspects. I would dwell on the details and go over and over things in my mind and wanted to understand where things went wrong. It is all part of needing to have things in neat little boxes. Of course I wanted to not loose the love of the person, but I also needed to understand what went wrong. I used to drive my ex nuts because I would discuss every little aspect of an argument. I would analyze the points over and over because I wanted us to be perfect and get along. All he wanted to do was go to sleep and have some peace and quiet. I felt like he was being unfeeling and that made me want to work out our difference even more. The truth is, sometimes people just aren't going to see things the way you do. People with OCD want to just keep talking and trying to make it better.

I know you love her, but it doesn't sound like she is feeling the same way you are now. You need to let go of whether or not she felt that way before. She is not giving you an explanation and she is not giving you closure. That is very selfish of her because it is very important for OCD persons to know why something went wrong so they can go on and accept it. She is thinking only of herself and isn't taking the time to help you move on. You can't do anything about that. You can't make her be compasionate. It hurts you and disallusions you because it makes you not trust reality. It makes you wonder how she could tell you she loves you, and then be so callous and unfeeling and not help you at least understand. It makes you wonder how can she not have a little compassion and help you move on.

I am going to try to give you that explanation so you can move on. I think that your girlfriend did "think" she cared for you. Now things have changed in her mind and she feels like she doesn't love you.

The truth, "I think" is that she thought she loved you but I don't think she really knows what true love is. So, don't be hurt and wonder why she could stop loving you. You didn't do anything. She just hasn't lived long enough to know what true love is. I also don't think she has ever really been hurt. If she had, she would have learned a little compassion. Someday, she will have her heart broken and she will probably look back and wish she could have been more gentle when she broke up with you. She may even apologize to you.

For now, you have to realize that your head and how you anayze things makes it seem like you will never feel better again. The truth is, you will. It will take time. It will hurt for a long time. But you are a good person who fell in love with a very immature woman who was not really "in" love with you. She thought she was, and she didn't lie to you but she was mistaken. You didn't know it at the time. How could you, you believed what she said and so did she. So see, how can you be broken hearted when it was just a mistake on her part. You are still a very good person, the same person, she thought she loved. Unfortunately, she is talking to you with anger, but this is the way some people who are very immature and young deal with emotions. They become so uncomfortable that it displays itself as anger.

You are worthy of so much more. You will meet someone more mature some day who has been knocked around a little themselves and you will be the recipient of compassion. People who know what it is like to love and loose, know what love "really" is. You just have to hang in there and get further down the road with your health and be gentle with yourself. You take things harder and feel thing more and unfortunately get a little obscessed with people when you care about them. That makes going through times like a break up really much harder.

Take it from someone who has been where you are. It will get better. You need to get your mind off of her and look to yourself for the answers. Hang out with your friends. I am sure that there is someone you have not noticed, that would love to take her place. In no time at all your heart will feel better, no matter how much you think it is breaking right now.

Cookie and Sweetie