Originally Posted By: parakeet lover
...I'm tired of keeping all of this to myself.
I've had enough.

Don't keep it in!
Tell people ~ your doctor, for one.
Talk to us ~ I think that it will help.
I'm tired of holding in my feelings everyday and pretending that everything is fine. I'm tired of people not caring.

If you are keeping your feelings in, it may be that they don't know, or don't realise how bad it is,
rather than that they don't care.
I'm tired of people saying that suicide is selfish. Think about it: what's selfish is people trying to keep someone alive who is completely miserable.

What people mean is that they couldn't bear to lose you. It shows that they do care.
But they may not want to face the truth of your agony because they don't know how to help you.
I would rather go through the loss of another loved one than deal with this any longer. I can't do this anymore. I become more depressed and suicidal every day.

I know that depression is horrific, but it can be helped so don't give up.

Remember, that as a depressed person, you are seeing thingsd differently from your friends and family.
Life is too much for me to bear. At this point I am desperate to be rid of the pain. I stopped feeling it completely months ago. I only know anger, hate, pain, and misery.
Are you able to tell us what has caused this?
Do you know?
Is / Was it something specific?

I don't even know what happiness feels like anymore.

You say 'anymore', so you have felt happiness. Try to hold on to that and to remember that you can get happiness back.
I spend countless nights awake, wondering when the pain will go away, thinking of ways to kill myself and finally be rid of this pain.
I have spent nights lying awake in turmoil. Night-time is particularly bad when you are depressed or anguished. There's nothing to take your mind off it. I remember trying to find things to do ~ like answering quiz questions, listening to favourite music ~ not the depressing kind ~ reading 'happy' books, etc. It only worked to a degree.
I'm sorry if this upsets you. I just need someone who will listen and tell me what they think.
I just kind of exploded...

Of course it is upsetting, but this 'explosion' may be what you need to set you on the road to recovery.

Remember what I said, above, suicidal thoughts are a sign that you are getting better! As the depression starts to heal, you become more actively distressed by your depression. That is the point where suicide is most likely to happen. So this is likely to be a temporary 'low' as your depression begins to improve. So take heart!

Depression can be related to hormones. You may have given these details, before, but do you mind saying how old you are and whether you are male or female.

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.