
I need advice! We just got divorced about two months ago, but I miss my ex-wife terribly. I just found out she is in love with a friend of us, our spiritual teacher for Reiki, but not sure if he wants her back in a romantic way. I saw in her computer some mails from him but not about love, more like general motivation. This breaks my heart and does not let me sleep in the night, feel like I am going through a very difficult problem.

I will get an appointment with him on next Monday, to see if I can find out anything, but the main problem is my ex-wife does not love anymore, and I still love her like a just married. The guy says he will talk to her and love her back "if God wants".
How can I stop my pain?
I dated her for 5 years, then we spent 11 years married. We have a wonderful 7 year old son. I cheated on her and then let her know, for honesty, and had a lot of problems after I told her. I sadly regret it.
I hope I can get her back someday.
What do you think?
