Originally Posted By: Ipodlover77
...two hours later i already had a itch to turn on my phone
to see if she texted or called
she didnt...
why do i hold this little hope that we'll get out this stronger?
.......even though i repeat it, and i should realize it, i'll never fully accept that its over.
but i should, cause it feels that way.
why am i in this?
why am i trying for a girl that doesnt want it?
why why why?
Ipodlover, this is all totally normal & many people have felt the exact same thing, really. It does suck, and you may feel isolated and sad, but it will lessen with time. This may sound stupid but it's true: give yourself time to get over it, and try to spend time with other people. One or two or six months from now, you will feel a LOT better.

I hear you, about a rebound girlfriend, but maybe you should try to just take it easy, relationship-wise, for awhile. It's like a wound that will slowly heal.