Welcome to the forum, pctech68.
What a sad mess!

I agree about grabbing women.
It should never ever happen ~ except in self-defense.

Well, you tried with the e-mail, it didn't work, and got you into further trouble with the police.

You cannot contact her ~ they have told you that.

Maybe, one day, she will calm down and get back to you. If it happens, then you can decide if a relationship with her would be a good thing.

You grabbed her throat.
She had two guys threaten you.
You had a fight which resulted in law enforcement involvement
for the 3rd time in 5 months!

Does this sound like a recipe for a good future together?

It doesn't sound healthy to me.
One of you could get badly hurt ~ physically.

Your relationship has been like a rollercoaster ride.
These are exciting and fun, aren't they?
But they are meant to be a harmless thrill, not a harmful regular way of life.

It sounds as if you have had lots of arguments, sometimes over relatively trivial matters. Long term this would be very destructive.

You can't contact her anyway, and she hasn't responded positively to your message. Why not see if you can calm your life down and find a gentle and rewarding relationship for yourself?

But be very careful never to grab ~ or in any way assault ~ a woman again. That is not going to get you a good partner or a good relationship.

Last edited by PDM; 09/09/08 11:40 PM.

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.