I agree, Victor, that you don't know everything about your partner. Interestingly, though, it seems like we know each other. Do you know what I mean?

As we've discussed portions of our lives with each other, I've learned some of Marge's history. I even have a rough idea of the chronology of it, and how she felt about some of it. And I've shared parts of my life.

And yet, when you stop and think about it, nobody other than each of us knows all that transpired and how we felt about it.

A big part of it for me - and what plays into romance - is that I enjoy sharing life with Marge. A trust has grown that sharing does not take away from our individuality. And like you say, Viotor, it would be boring if we knew how everything would play out.

Both Marge and I are "high maintenance," but it is also very much worth it.

Marge is the love of my life.