Yeah, the improving thing isn't working out. Since the "big argument" we had when I first posted, things have never gotten completely better. Thursday was Thanksgiving, and my BF just had to ruin it for me. Since the big fight, when I went to my Moms and he acted like a nut and embarrassed himself, he has not wanted to go over my mom's house with me for anything and will not go. He never has a good reason. When I bug him about it, he says that its because he doesn't feel comfortable there now and that its my fault because I always go running to my mom to tell her our problems and that our problems are private and she or anyone else should not know about them. I tell his that he is nuts and that my mom is my mom and that shes there for me when I have a problem and that just because he doesn't like it doesn't mean Im not going to have a relationship with my mom...This issues has come up about 4 times between the first big fight and Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving was at my mom's house this year and she had also invited her BFs family so it was bigger than usual. The day before thanksgiving, he decided that he wasn't going (even though we specifically decided when we were going where for the holidays). He said "I dont feel comfortable" or "theres too many people" or "its your fault that I feel this way because you told your mom about our business" etc etc. So I finally gave up and told him that he could do whatever he wanted but that I was going.

I went to the party with my daughter, and after we had been there an hour, he started calling me. He complained that there was no food to eat (I didn't cook anything for him to eat when he got home from work because he was invited to come eat over my moms and he decided not to come). I specifically told him that I was going to do this that morning and he said "whatever". (I also specifically didn't clean anything because of a rude comment he had made to me on the phone that morning.) Then he called again asking when I would be home. I told him I didn't know. He was still adamant that he wasnt coming. About an hour later, he showed up. He hardly acknowledged me when he came in, he said hi to everyone there, he got a drink, did not want to eat, and then made his way to the door. He called me over to the door and pointed to a guy on the couch (who was the youngest and most handsome guy there) and said "whos he here with?" I told him he was with his GF, who was sitting right next to him. My BF was very rude about this because he pointed right at the guy. Then he said, "Im going out" and he left. He had been there maybe all of 5 minutes.

I was so embarrassed. I felt like he came over just to bother me, to check on me, to ruin my night. My moms BF got very mad. I was so aggrevated. (I later found out that the reason he asked who that guy was is becaus ehe got in a fight with his cousin or something). Anyway, about an hour or so later, he was calling me again. He said that he went to talk to someone about work (which was not likely since it was 8:30 pm on Thanksgiving) and that he was done now and that he was coming back over. I told him not to come back over, that he embarassed me in front of everyone, and that I didn't want him there. He got mad and said he was coming anyway. He came and sat out front for anout 20 minutes and then finally left when I didn't come outside. Then he went home and kept calling me to ask me when I was coming home. I told him I didn't know like a million times and finally told him like 11 oclock. at 10 oclock he was calling me againt to ask when I was coming home. I got mad and told him that if he kept calling me I was just gonna stay the night. Then he started saying that I needed to think more about the baby and come home because it was going to be colder at 11 oclock. Finally, we ended up arguing and he told me "whatever" F*** you, I just want to break up, I cant deal with you anymore, go f*** all of them (the guys at the party)" and he hung up. He called me back at 12 to tell me he was going to a bar and to ask me if I was coming home that night. I tol,d him no. He said he was confused and depressed and didnt know what he wanted and that he loves me but hes tired of all the problems. I told him that I feel the same way and I dont know what to tell him. The next day when I came home, he wouldnt talk about what happened and has since refused to. He wants to pretend it never happened, which I cant do. I tried to have a good day yesterday though, despite.

~ Maggie
Mama to Juliana Elise (03/07), Wesley Dominick (06/10) and four feathered 'tielbabies!