Originally Posted By: Tylerjames
.... i just dont get it, what do you women want from us guys?

sex? partnership? love? or just someone thats there for you?

All three, and more ~ including the opportunity to share special moments, to talk, to cuddle ~ just for affection, to nurture someone we love, and to have a life-companion whom we can depend upon, and someone perhaps to have children with, and to travel with, and to come home to, but also to give us the freedom to be ourselves.

From my viewpoint, and this is not speaking for all women of course, I think that the important things in a relationship are trust, support & love.

With regards to a man, he must love his partner & be trustworthy, for a relationship to work. He must 'be there' for her during her highs and her lows.

Of course, I would say the same for women, too.

And there must be a willingness to share.
Burdens ~ physical, emotional, mundane, etc, must not just be on the one partner.

As for why your girl stopped liking you, that's a difficult one, but also a common one.

Why does someone fall in love?
It's a very difficult question to answer.

Why does someone fall out of love?
It's equally difficult to answer.

No-one can help who they fall in love with ~ and it may be someone great, or someone totally unsuitable.
Equally, no-one can force themselves to fall in love, or to stay in love, no matter how nice or suitable the other person is.

I'd agree with Coco's Mama.

Love is a very complex matter.
Ahd whether or not a couple stays together depends largely on this complex matter.

And in a relationship there is both liking and loving. One can like but not love, or even love but not like, I think.

What do you expect from yourself, your relationship and your girlfriend?
Your answers might help to illuminate your girlfriend's actions.

Now, I am beginning to sound as if I am on commission for John Gray, but I can tell you that reading books such as his has helped me to understand my husband and sons enormously. And there are others by different authors.
I read:
'Brain Sex: The Real Difference Between Men and Women' by Anne Moir & David Jessel.
'Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: The Classic Guide to Understanding the Opposite Sex' (& others) by John Gray.
'Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps: How We're Different and What to Do About It' (& others) by Allan Pease & Barbara Pease.

These could be useful, too:
'Why We Love: The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love' by Helen Fisher
'The Secret Psychology of How We Fall in Love' by Paul Dobransky and L. A. Stamford
The chemistry of love by by Michael R Liebowitz



Last edited by PDM; 11/15/08 02:56 PM.

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