Hi & welcome.

Right, so you met a man just over a month ago and went to stay with him about a week later. He wined & dined you and you spent the night together.

After you returned home, he 'phoned a few times to check that you had arrived safely, etc, and to thank you for the card.

So he has appeared to be polite, pleasant and caring, but he hasn't been as encouraging about the relationship as you had hoped ~ is that correct?

You have told him you like him, but he only said that he knows how he feels ~ and you have been left to decipher what this means.

Well, you will have to ask him; but you are already awaiting the reply to one question ~ can you see him again soon?

It could be that he really cares for you; or it could be that he just found you to be a pleasant person to pass the time with. I just don't know.

However, if he is working two jobs, 9-5, Monday to Friday; is taking dancing lessons, 3 nights per week from 9 until 11; helping to care for his teenage daughter, entering dancing competitions, including the travel, work and stress involved; and trying to have a social life, he must be exhausted and low on time. Perhaps it isn't so surprising that he hasn't had a chance to spend time 'phoning or writing to you and has been trying to get back into his routine.

Try to get an answer out of him, so that you know where you stand, but without putting too much additional pressure on him.

I hope that it works out ~ Good luck. smile

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.