me and my girlfriend have been dating for 2 years, most of the time which was great. She always loved me and was always a really happy and pleasent person to be around, more or less i would act as if i didnt really care, i had a tough time expressing emotions. and things were goin good until xmas time and i flew home to visit my family that i never see and my only time for holidays(she could not come because of work) when i was gone we had a small argument on the telephone and i told her we should talk about our relationship when i get home.
when i got home we never had the talk, then one night we went to the pub and indulged in one two many cocktails( i never drink) and i saw a friend of mines girlfriend so i jumped up and went and said hello. My girlfriend felt like she was being ditched and got mad at me out of jelousy, and i immediatly defended my self by saying many mean things and made her walk home alone all of which i immideatlly regreted. We were supposed to move in together for feb 1 to make a long story short she dumped me 4 days beforehand. I pleaded her to stay and she said she needs to see change in me before she would come back, and we cant be together but maby in the future. So 2 and a half weeks went by of not talking. all of the time i worked on improving my own self and moving into our house alone, i also began seeing a therapist who has helped me understand a great deal. so i decided i want to see her, i went into her work and brought her a cupcake and some hotchocolate and she seemed happy to see me, we sat outside and talked which was good, then i asked her for dinner, she said she would do lunch. I got home then about 2 hours later after she was off work she sent me a text saying "im glad ur doin well it was nice of you to stop by, i was wondering if your sure lunch is a good idea? i think we will be able to be friends, but im not sure if your ready for that yet, what do you think?" so i called her up and said its only lunch, she agreed to go which will be in a couple of days. I cant tell if there is a chance to get back together and its killing me inside. any advice or something i can say to her i love her very much? thx markus