I think her reaction is very normal.She just tries to show you that there`s a world for her without you and she became that happy person she was before the break-up.Avoiding your touch is a self-defense action.Your hurt her when you broke up and she does not want to go through that again.

My question is why on earth don`t you speak up and tell her you`re still having feelings for her?She obviously shares them,due to the fact that you`re still talking and meeting.
You were the one that ended this,so don`t expect her to come and say she loves you,even if that`s true.She probably did that after the break-up and obviously,didn`t work out.

I am going through a similar situation,except the meeting part,and although I love him so much,I`ve decided not to tell him again my feelings ,just for the fact I am afraid of his reaction,a rejection I would not cope with.

Good luck! smile