something isn't adding up. You seem like a nice guy and you are doing all of the right things. You say, however that women seem to become distant and don't return your calls in a courteous manner. Are you saying also, that you have gotten angry with all 11 previous dates that have treated you this way? I can tell you that anger is a turn off. No woman or man likes someone angry at them. Nor do they appreciate being told that they are being rude. I don't know of any woman that doesn't appreciate gentlemanly conduct and nice treatment. Could it be that there is something else you are doing that is preventing the relationships from bloosoming or going forward? Have you tried asking a friend of the female persuasion if there is something you are doing or saying that is a turn off. Do you have a personal habit that you don't know about that is a turn off perhaps. I would be happy to help but you need to fill in a few more blanks. Or perhaps you do have a female friend that is more like a sister who could be brutaly honest with you.

Cookie and Sweetie