Sounds like she really loves and cares about you. and maybe she really wants things to work but can't deal with the jealous thing. i know for me It always gets on my nerves the rare few times my fiance gets jealous bc he has no reason to and then it just annoys me bc i feel like he doesn't trust me and then it's like all this wasted energy for nothing. if he was one to get jealous all the time it would totally break my heart bc i love him to pieces but i wouldn't be able to deal with it.
life is so short. jealousy is one of those ucky emotions that we all get at times, it is human nature, but maybe trying to recognize when it flips in and then somehow change it around into a positive energy or feeling, maybe you have a list of compliments people have given you or things that you love to do that make you feel good, and when you notice the jealous feelings come in, recognize it and then tell yourself a few compliments people have given you. or imagine you are very large and the jealous feeling is just a little green pea and you can step on it. i know certain emotions can be really overwhelming at times but remember you are in the driver seat, you are in control