
You know what mistakes you've made and you've said all that you have to say to this girl. Let it lie as it is. There's no use bothering her about it over and over again at this point, and if you will only male yourself look foolish.

Personally, I would move on and date other young women. Go out and have fun! Meet people! This is truely what you should be doing.

If she wants to get back with you, she will come when she is ready and figures out what it is that she wants. In the meantime, you can go out with as many women as you want. If you meet someone that blows you away, your ex will have to find someone else if the time comes. And if you don't meet anyone that knocks your socks off, you will still be ready for her when she comes runnin'!

And women are funny Sumguy...she just may want you because you have a sporty new girl in your life. It wouldn't be the first time that happened!

Vroom, vroom!!

Perception is reality.