I'm Catholic, my husband is Baptist. We knew we both wanted to get married in a church, but the decision was which one? It took a lot of talking about what was important to the both of us and ultimately, after listening to both sides and talking to the priest from my church and the preacher from his, we decided it would be best for us to get married in my husband's Baptist church. It worked the best for the both of us. To this day we still go to a Baptist church just because we've searched around to find one that worked and suited both our needs and wants. smile

BTW - side note: we've talked about our wedding day and what we would do different if we were able to have a second go-round. We've agreed that we'd just get "hitched" in Vegas or somewhere else and then throw a big party to celebrate with all our friends and family. We think that would have been less stressful for all involved.... but we're happy with the decision we did make - after all, we both got the end result we were hoping for.

Best of luck to you! I'm sure it's a difficult thing to talk about and discuss as it was for my husband and I.