Yes,I think that really is a positive thing.
One of my best friends,who is also one of his friends told me he is acting like xxxx.They argued over a stupid thing,both being under the exam pressure;she thanked him for worsening her mood,he replied not to blame him for her [censored] ,she added that those were his stupid stuff and he ended it with a yea right.
At the moment,my friend is determined to confront him and say in his face everything:that she has always been there for him no matter what,like a true friend and when she has a bad moment he just walks away and prefers the company of those who don`t care that much for him.
As a note,they haven`t talked about the break-up thing.As a matter of fact,they didn`t talk for 2 weeks after that.She was the one to tell him that he doesn`t need to talk if he doesn`t want to and me being a friend of her will not destroy their friendship.
I don`t know if he avoids talking to her the way they used to because he`s afraid that she`ll tell me,or he runs his new strategy getting no feelings means not offering feelings.

Last edited by PDM; 02/28/10 03:04 AM.