I`ve always told him I loved him and with the feelings part,I`m sure we both feel the same.
I am 17[18 in summer] and he is 19.

That`s the part where I made mistakes,I think.I told him what happened with me and such,but my girlfriends were the ones who knew first,cuz I considered those stupid things,useless whining with school,homework,stress.I just didn`t want to add more to his list and hear me complain.But now,I think maybe that was the thing he wanted;to feel the need to help me,not only to receive my support.

His parents split up when he was 7,and he`s a bit of an introvert when it comes to confessing.He lives with his mother,but he still misses the presence of his father,although they see each other often.I just don`t think it`s the same with having him near you at every hour.
He acts like that only when it comes to his deepest feelings and emotions.Otherwise,he`s very sociable,funny,cracking jokes most of the time.
I don`t think that he was afraid that I was going to say something.Maybe he felt that I didn`t care,as he was not that first person...

Last edited by Alice; 02/12/10 01:16 AM.