Ok, Sakura is back and VERY confused.

I have spoken about this particular guy before. Let's call him by his nickname, "Sasuke".

Now, Sasuke is in his final year of high school and will be 19 in November. I have known him for the passed 4yrs. Sasuke has always been there for me. He knew about my depression and that I used to cut. Instead of freaking, he helped me through it. When I had clashes with my ex boyfriend, he comforted me. When I thought I was pregnant, he brought me to my senses. But now, I think I left picturing him as an older brother behind. Yes, I think I'm in love with him.

There's only one problem though: It's definitely unrequited love. Despite the fact that we cuddle, we kiss and get pretty intimate with each other, I don't feel his heart entwining with mine.

What am I to do? I can't force him into a relationship, even though I really want him. Is it possible that he does have feelings for me?

Lost and confused emo girl