When I have kids I plan on bringing them up in a very close parent-child relationship. I want them to understand I wont be mad that they have sex, I rather know so i can make sure it's protected than have them feel like they need to lie and be sneaky like I did.

If it were my daughter I would be very sad for her. I would hope that she feel comfortable enough with our relationship to come to me and talk about it. I would do everything to help her, or just listen if that is all she needs me to do.

My mom just doesn't understand, she was married at a young age, and she always worries that i will be married to young too. I don't know.. It's complicated =\

But you are right having Matt to talk to is a huge relief, but sometimes he still doesn't understand how over a year later I still have these feelings. Sometimes it hurts him more than I would like it to, but he is a good guy about it smile I'm grateful God gave me someone to help heal my wounds, even if all he does is love me and listen.