I agree that, in a marriage, being able to make each other laugh is very important - being friends too.

And I think the most important thing is trust.

As for arranged marriage, if it were an 'introduction' and the parties were then left to see how things went - if love, friendship and trust, etc, developed - I think that would be ok.

If it were an arranged marriage where someone was just expected to live with a stranger - sharing their lives, their homes, their beds, I think that would be absolutely awful.

My parents didn't even meet my husband until we had been going out together for a number of months - and that was deliberate on my part. I did not want my boyfriend to get to know / develop a relationship with members of my family before we had got to know / developed a relationship with each other.

I feel that marriage is a partnership and, while it is very nice - and makes life easier - if spouses get on with in-laws, the other members of the family shouldn't really be involved in that partnership.

So I don't think arranged marriage would have suited me at all. But I appreciate that different people have different ideas and customs. smile

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.