Dear PDM,

I must say I have found your advice very helpful. This guy has said before that he is not looking for a girlfriend and doesn't even think he wants a relationship. Ever. And I believe him. He just doesn't have relationships. I have seen over the years him only being solo.
By 'hurting me' he means that he has hurt me before emotionally by breaking up with me so suddenly and he is worried he will do the same again. He likes me very much as a person and really doesn't want me to get emotionally involved.
So hence the pulling away. I have been thinking back on everything he has been saying over the last few weeks and the conversations we have had and come to think of it he has been very honest. But his actions and words have sometimes not added up. For example one time he got all serious and said maybe we should stop this flirty texting and next thing he was doing it all over again. And the next time we met I hadn't been in his company five minutes and he was kissing me.
Which leads me to my next conclusion and where you particularly make sense. He is tempted by me. In the couple of times we met up he said he couldn't help himself. So now if the conversation veers towards anything sexual he becomes blunt and changes the subject. On meeting up next week it seems he has ensured we will be in a public place. I should probably take this as a compliment.
So at the end of the day I feel I should respect his wishes and just go with the flow. It's obvious I do like him as more than a bit of fun and maybe he is doing me a favor. So I'm just going to meet him, be myself and be casual. I think it might bother him that I will appear so nonchalant and doing just fine without him. If this leads to something else then great and if it doesn't I'll just have to get over it.