you will have a much better idea of what is right for you now. don't EVER give who you are away for anyone else and NEVER let yourself become someone's doormat, even if you are afraid to be on your own. things happen for a reason. it may be horrid now... but down the road... you will see "hey, if that hadn't happened, this great thing would never have happened!" i live by this. it may be bad but sometime (perhaps a couple of years even) you will see if that bad thing had never happened... you would have missed this GREAT thing! my becoming a grandma is proof of that theory. i believe EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON. fate may seem horrid, but you would be amazed at how much it is actually on your side if you look around you.
keep your chin up, otherwise... you may trip on your tongue. don't give up, EVER, FOR ANY REASON. smile

baby blue