Yes, I'm a Mum. As I said before, I have two sons, aged 18 & 22. I also have a teenage daughter.

I am also the daughter of a widowed mother, who is quite a lot older than yours, & who relies on me. She lives alone, but I am only about a mile away. I encourage her to see friends & she belongs to a ladies' club.

The men I know, who have devoted themselves to their mothers' comfort, over & above their own, have never married.

Your mother is still young, but she is getting older. The older she gets, the more she will need you & the less chance you will have of making your own life with a partner of your own.

While your Mum is working, she is meeting people and feeling useful. That is good for her ~ and for you, because while she is healthy & independent is the time when you could do what you want to do with your own life.

It is difficult for me to say more than that because of cultural differences. I live in England, so you know the society that I belong to. Certainly thoughtful people, here, would take their mothers' welfare into account, but would not usually let them decide who they date, etc. Mothers just don't have that power. I don't understand, really, why it would happen, there, if your mother is fit, youngish, and still at work. Are all young men in your position?

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.