How old are you? and how old is your gf?
All i can say is if you are going to have sex PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure you use condoms AT THE VERY LEAST!!Even better talk to her about going on the pill and wait until she has been on it for at least a month. If you think you are ready to have sex then you must be responsible about it for your sake and hers. And that doesn't mean JUST practicing safe sex, it means you BOTH have to be emotionally ready. I think having sex for the first time is a MAJOR thing, esp for girls.You have to realize once she loses her virginity(I'm assuming it will be her first time?) there is no going back.I'd hate for her to have regrets afterwards ya know? It should mean something special for both parties.
You do realize that having sex means that you are ready to assume the responsiblity of pregnancy no matter what??? NO birth control is 100%!!!!!!!!
Anyway as for how to meet up, I'm not even going to touch that one. I would not feel right about it. I'm with PM on that one. I too would be horrified if an adult on the internet was helping my daughter (or son for that matter) hook up to have sex. It's wrong, and totally not our place to do so.