Pctech68, you are right about mourning ~ many people do not understand that this is what happens when a relationship ends.

However, just because people have said that she has said things, or even if she has said them, doesn't mean that she won't change her mind.

But, you do have to accept that this probably is over ~ and, in view of the tempestuousness of the relationship, that it might even be for the best ~ especially as you have children.

No, you will not yet feel in the mood for finding a new girlfriend ~ or frequenting bars.
Not yet.
But give yourself time. Time heals ~ or, at least, helps.

I think that you do need some warmth in your life now, and that seeing your kids, if you can, would be a good idea ~ for them & you.

Good luck! smile

"The secret of success is constancy to purpose" - Benjamin Disraeli.