Right now I know there is no way he'll be back. The biggest problem is that I feel like it's totally my fault we split (even though he ended it). I also feel like caring about him at all was a mistake that I have to forgive myself for (even though he says it's not a mistake), like letting him in was a mistake, etc.

In all honestly, I don't think I can ever care that much about someone else I don't think someone else can care that much about me. I also have no clue how the unlucky guy who would be willing to settle for me will ever find me. I pretty much go to work & then go home & get online. I used to also watch TV, but I temporarily have roomates who have total rights to the TV while they are here, but that's a whole separate issue that will be moot in about 2 weeks, so nothing I can't live with until then.

I feel like I have more to say, but not sure how to word it I guess so I'll end this here for now. Feel free to comment, offer advice, etc.