Originally Posted By: Kiwi&Budgie
Originally Posted By: melissa-
hey, i know most of u guys are like ancient old, but do u watch zoey 101? its a pretty mature show, and it really explains guy's feelings, and y they all are pretty much if not all CHICKENS! u'd think the guy would ask the girl out all ready, but like 100 episodes go by, and he still doesnt do it, and in the end, decides against it cuz he doesnt want to ruin their friendship.. lol. guys are just like that.. but not my brothers.. they're just hopelessly idiots..

OLD? ANCIENT OLD? wow....I am hurt. I think we are all of different ages, I am 45, but I was once your age. smile Never heard of Zoey. Either way most guys are goof balls at any age.

rofl.. thats my way of saying, ur older than me, and so probably dont watch nick or Disney like i do =) i call my 25 year old cousin an old lady.. lol